Basic MMM principles:
- Equality of all people.
- Brotherhood of nations.
- Mutual assistance in any form.
- Variety of communication and self- expression.
- Anti-authoritarianism.
- Freedom from constraint.
- Freedom of union.
• Equality means no hierarchy, the same opportunities for everyone in order to satisfy his needs to express, needs in resources and the products of labour, as well as the access to all public goods, including the achievements of science and technology.
• Brotherhood of nations implies that they all are equal, that the interests and needs of one cannot be more important and / or valuable than the needs of others.
• Mutual aid — cooperation. The effectiveness of working together is significantly higher than the one of the singles. Collective interaction – the shortest way of achieving the desired result with less effort.
• Variety of communication and self-expression — a pledge for the wealth of everyone’s life. Standardization and unification of production, communication and lifestyle, contributes to estrangement, selfish atomisation of society and the destruction of nature. Complication of the civilization, which supposes social diversity, understanding and humanization of the origins of each ones identity, makes the MMM’s ideology and practice a necessary condition for the social development.
• Avoidance of authoritarian rule implies, that a person or a group will not impose on others their opinion and will, whether through a social hierarchy either representative democracy. MMM rejects attempts to build a society of sectarian type with different forms of total control and anonymity. On the contrary, the system stands for the maximum development of the creative side of personality and the appropriate approach to all problems.
• Freedom from constraint implies non-participation in any imposed activity, whether it is in the interests of individuals and groups either those of the whole society. The participation in socially meaningful activities and projects should be motivated primarily by the manifestation of personal responsibility.
• Freedom of union suggests that in a society organized based on the principles of MMM, any social structure should be created by people equal in their right to determine its future.
MMM offers to replace with the honest cooperation of people the existing power of corrupt officials and moneybags, who are eventually getting richer due to undeserved privileges and the suppression of the majority. This means that public relations should be based on the personal interest, mutual aid, voluntary consent and responsibility of each and everybody, completely liquidating at the same time all kinds of financial and social coercion and exploitation.
Power of the plutocracy must be substituted with the bottom-up public initiatives and direct democracy – where the people themselves collectively address civil issues, and individually (without harming others ) – the personal ones.
Solving any problems related to MMM in particular and the world in general, as well as the implementation of the large-scale projects must be built from the bottom up, and not vice versa, as it is in the modern world of hypocrisy, greed and intolerance. When it is needed to form a large public or industrial organization, MMM offers to do it based on the principle of delegation and the imperative mandate (limited actions under certain conditions, violation of which would make the delegate to be revoked). Today, in most countries there is no procedure for revoking the deputies, and it generates laziness of mind, corruption and irresponsibility. Using the imperative mandate is impossible due the proportional electoral system used nowadays, where voters vote only those offered on the party list.
MMM stands for mutual obligations, freedom of public unions and associations, a voluntary agreement between the communities, vertical political setting. Everyone should get a fair wage for his work, or services for equivalent cost, without any profits or discount. In purely economic terms, the ideology MMM means a wide variety of partnerships without bureaucracy, capitalistic way of management and profit. This means a willingness of each participant to carry out such an amount of load, which would bring benefits to everybody else.
Society should be organized on the basis of partnership groups (cooperatives) of free people. Major consumer products should share values according to the labour values invested in them. There should be only interest-free loans to be exchanged, consequently socialized through the “mutual aid fund”. The targeted group of the MMM’s ideology are the independent thinkers and those who themselves work. Public administration should be in the hands of the associations of the infrastructure users and not of the bureaucrats.
MMM stands against the principle of “take it all and divide”. Everyone has to earn honestly, without fraud and bribery of the government. Those who possessed properties illegally, against the norms of morality and public rules, must return that which was illegally obtained.
MMM does not tend to acquire the money from the corrupt international financial monopolies. We want to change the very economic policies and laws in such a way that anyone could freely perform his own desired productive work. Moreover, this possibility should not be affected by the opinion of the corrupt ruling elite and the need to give most of the labour to those, who in a fraudulent manner, captured land, factories and power.
MMM stands against the existence of banking institutions alien to the human consciousness, the principles of justice and humanity. MMM is against banking usury (charge of interest) in any form. All world religions, prophets and messiahs talked to people about the need to ban interest rates, you shouldn’t ignore the long history of mankind. The financial institutions should deal only with the money transfers from one person to another. The person should be given the right to choose to whom, and on what terms to transfer his money. Bank should only fulfil the will of the depositor.
Laws should be written by the people who are indeed accountable with the simple voter. Laws should be written for everyone instead of serving the interests of a handful of oligarchs. Laws must be fulfilled by all.
Any act of an official or politician, resulting in damage to the government, meaning to the nation, should eventually be qualified as a national betrayal. As well as to be punished accordingly – the absence of intent should be treated only as a mitigating circumstance. He must be struck in civil rights terms, with a denied access to the authoritative positions for life; must compensate the created damage and pay a commensurate fee.
The employee of the control and security forces who committed intentional or unintentional offense shall be subjected to double punishment for the same offense. There should be introduced the principle of undisputed confiscation of wealth from the perpetrators of property crime. MMM is not against the existing state – it serves only to change the principles of its existence.