

Actually, the entire codex consists of only two points:
1. All people are good. Honest and kind.
2. People need to trust. Do not be afraid to be deceived, be afraid of fooling somebody else. In the first case, you will lose only the money in the second – your own self.
The cornerstone, the foundation on which MMM is built: all people are good. Honest and kind. And you must believe them.
The basic assumption, on which the modern society lies – is exactly the opposite: all people are bad ! Evil and dishonest. And you shouldn’t trust them . That is precisely why – the formal contractual relationships are the cornerstone of the modern society.


Have you ever wondered what is an agreement actually and why do we need it? That, by signing a formal contract with a partner, you are , in fact , signing that both of you are liars and cheaters , ready to deceive each other with the first opportunity? That your word of honor is simply worthless. Only the fear of punishment can somehow keep you both from mutual deception. Hence – all these countless points and paragraphs in the contract. The wish to have insurance against any pitfalls and not let yourself be deceived by your dishonest rascal-partner . But if you do not believe a man, then why on earth should he believe you? As a result, nobody believes anybody. A contract is – dog eats dog…


Meanwhile, even Christ, two thousand years ago, said in his Sermon: “All you need to say is simply “Yes” or “No”; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.” (Matthew 5:33-37). And this is spot on. Since any “beyond this” it’s the recognition that you are a liar , you have no honor, and the simple “sincere” word of yours is worthless and meaningless.


MMM is the only part of the modern society, where there are absolutely no formal relations between people. Where people just – believe. (As one big family.) It looks like a sheer utopia (They believe? Does this happen in the modern world??!) but this, however, is not utopia. And the very existence of MMM with its millions and millions of participants in all the countries – the best evidence of it. People are thirsty for normal human relationships! They are uncomfortable in the modern world, which is cruel and merciless.


Since childhood they hammer into our heads that people are bad, and you shouldn’t trust them. But in fact, people are kind, and you can trust them! You Need to! Here you go, all your life you didn’t trust anybody, suspected everybody, and what happened in the end? How great have you succeeded? Mutual mistrust divides people, in this way they are easier to be managed. This is what contracts are for. For enslaving, “cabalising”. They create an illusion of justice and security. Will you achieve a lot with an agreement, for example, from a bank? Nothing! The bank on the other hand, using the same contract, will throw you and your kids on the streets, take your last shirt off. You will find yourself completely in his power. The same way in everything else. All this is one huge, gigantic lie. We are being manipulated. And so skillfully that we ourselves don’t notice it. But nevertheless, this is the case.


MMM – the door in a new world. Enter and do not be afraid. Wake up! Make your choice. Do not let your children grow up slaves as well! Make the world a better place!

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