Payment systems




Now in MMM Global international structure donations are paid within 48 hours, not 72 as it was before.

The decision to reduce the time of providing assistance was made due to the fact that in the international structure all transfers are made by electronic payment systems (Perfect Money and Bitcoin). In these systems money can be sent at any time and it is credited to recipient’s account immediately after the transfer was made. Increasing the speed of payments will make MMM Global international structure more dynamic and more popular with the growing number of users of Bitcoin and Perfect Money wallets.

In Personal office of members of MMM Global international structure the country is pointed as “Republic of Bitcoin.” In national structures (for example, MMM Brazil, MMM Argentine, etc) where participants transfer money from a bank account in local currency, it still takes 72 hours to comply with request.

However, if a member of MMM Global Community doesn’t have time to provide assistance in a set time (48 or 72 hours), he may ask the recipient to extend the waiting period for another 24 hours.

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