Bonus Programs


Three types of Referral Program:

MMM GlobalReferral bonus

You get 10% of all the new money brought in the system by the participants you have invited.

MMM GlobalLeader’s bonus


5% – from first-level participants’ deposits
3% – the second level
1% – the third level
0.5% – the fourth level
0.25% – the fifth level
0.1% – the sixth level
... – so on until unlimited depth

Registration bonus:

After the registration and first investment, the participant receives a bonus in the amount of $20 to $100
Having deposited, you get an additional bonus:

$20 – if your deposit is from $50 to $499
$50 – deposit $500 – $2999
$100 – deposit more than $3000


The members of our Community are actively involved in the development of the System and sharing information about MMM with their friends and acquaintances. They create their own sites and groups in social networks. Specially invented bonus programs help to encourage this contribution to the development of the Community. The more effort for the development and promotion of the Community the participant makes, the more bonuses he receives.


1) Referral Bonus

If you have invited a new participant, you become his referrer and you get 10% of all his donations.
You can learn how to invite participants using “invite” and a referral link in the FAQ section.

Inviting new members into the Community is your additional contribution to its development. But nobody makes the members of the Community invite new participants. But at the same time, understanding that the MMM network can’t exist without development and participants’ encouragement in the form of referral bonuses motivate many people to take an active position. However, you can participate only in mutual-aid programs.

Referral bonus is “frozen” for two weeks (14 days). In 2 weeks the bonus is “unfrozen” and becomes available for withdrawal. The term of “freezing” is counted from the moment the referral (the participant you invited to the Community) has made an order to provide assistance.


2) Manager’s Bonus

In the Community there are both experienced participants and beginners. Beginners can choose such an experienced and active participant as their leader. Managers perform only a consultative function. They have the duty to inform their members about ideas of MMM and the latest news of the Community, to explain how to give and receive help, assist in solving technical problems. Manager’s bonus is a kind of compensation for doing this job. This is a multi-level bonus, thus a manager can have his own leader whose rank is higher. Manager’s bonus depends on his level in the Community:
5% – from first-level participants’ donations
3% – the second level
1% – the third level
0.5% – the fourth level
0.3% – the fifth level
0.1% – the sixth level
0.05% – the seventh level
0.03% – the eighth level
0.01% all the next levels
If you are both the Manager and referrer for the participant, you get only Manager’s bonus.


3) Registration Bonus

After having registered and given the first donation, you receive a bonus in the amount of:
$ 20 – if your donation is from $50 to $499. Frozen for two weeks. If you take the money before that – you lose your twenty.
$ 50 – donation $ 500 – $ 2999. Frozen for a month.
$ 100 – donation more than $ 3000. Frozen for a month.
About freezing. It means that if you take the money out before the term time – you will lose the registration bonus. Only! But you will receive the deposit itself with all the interest accrued, indeed.


4) Bonus for a video about getting donation

Having got donation from other members of the Community, you can make a video in which you can tell the story of your participation in MMM and thank those who donated you.
You will get 5% of the donation you got if people can see your face in the video.
You will earn 3% of the donation you got if people don’t see your face in the video.
Bonus for a video about getting donation can be frozen for 2 weeks.

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