About Us


MMM is a global community of mutual aid and donation exchange. Although the community is built on popular social networking principle (people come here from all over the world, register and save their contact information), our goal is different – we don’t just socialize and get acquainted – we cooperate and build a new world. We share a common idea. All the rest is different: the country of residence, age, religion, profession, social status, etc. But this ideological unity is enough for us to achieve success.


What do we do here?

We do something that is not considered to do in the modern world. No, don’t think, we’re doing something criminal (just the same illegal activity, both violent and non-violent – are not uncommon in the modern world). In our Community we donate each other money. Yes, we do – strangers give each other money. Give directly – MMM only connects the donator with the recipient. We donate without any conditions and agreements. Is it strange? Unusual? (Read more: “What is MMM?“).


Why do we do it?

We want to change the status quo that prevailed in the modern world. What do we hear? Slogans about equality of rights, slogans about freedom of speech, assurances that everything is done in the name of the people, the claim that people are the source of power. And what can we see? The end of the middle class. The inequality of the initial conditions: the poor can’t get out of the bodage of bank loans, and the super-rich can easily multiply their capital by speculation. Total bureaucratization and surveillance of people. Privatization of government by economic and political establishment.

And we, the members of the Community MMM, are eager to change it. But we go in an asymmetrical way. We know if you go into politics, little will change. He, who kills the dragon, becomes a dragon himself. Whoever seizes power, becomes the bureaucrat, whom he displaces. We do not conduct any political activity. But what is the most important, we give people the opportunity to be independent from the power of capital. We do our best so that people, instead of going to the bank and selling their freedom for the loan of a certain amount, can appeal for help to the same people as they are. People will help when they have the opportunity, and ask for help when they really need it. And this is the most effective and radical challenge to the existing order. We abandon the principle “Divide and rule”. In our Community freedom of one person is the continuation of the freedom of another one. And this simple truth is the most dangerous thing for unfair built status-quo of the modern world. (Read more: “Our Values”).


How do we do it?

The Community members transfer money to each other directly, without intermediaries. MMM only connects the ones, who ask for help, with those who provide help. To support those who donate money and develop the Community, we have developed mutual-aid and bonus programs. (Read more: “Rules”).


Who are we?

MMM unites people of different ages, different social status, different professions. Everyone will find a place here. Everyone contributes to the development Community to the best of their abilities.



MMM movement originated in Europe in 2011. The first participants were from Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan). Then they were joined by residents of the European Union (the Baltic States, France, Germany, Poland, Italy, etc).



In Asian countries MMM began to develop in 2012. First, participants from India and Bangladesh joined our Community. In 2014 the very rapid growth was observed in Indonesia and Malaysia. Now MMM team in China and the Philippines are being formed.



In 2012 the first participants from North America – Canada and USA joined MMM. In 2014, the interest in MMM movement appeared in Latin America. Brazilian and Argentine participants formed their own structures within the Community.


Republic of Bitcoin

Due to the wide spread of electronic currencies, MMM Community creates a single international organization, whose members will donate each other in bitcoin.


If you share the ideas of our Community, join us and let’s work together!

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