This month MMM Bangladesh launched its updated website: Up till now MMM Bangladesh had a subsection only on the MMM Asia website. Launching its own website will allow MMM Bangladesh to give more coverage on their work. Also, it will be easier for the Internet users in Bangladesh to find this website through the search engines.
MMM Bangladesh’s site consists of 10 main sections:
- Administration (important news about the work of the MMM Bangladesh structure: explanations of the technical aspects, webinars, information about the regulations updates, etc.);
- Mavrodians (MMM Community news about the life in Bangladesh: conferences, presentations, charity events; Mavrodian-is someone who shares the ideas of Sergei Mavrodi, founder of the MMM Community);
- Rules;
- Tickets (information about how to write a feedback in case of the participant having questions or technical problems);
- Log-into MMM (access to the virtual account of the MMM participant);
- Demo VA (demo version of the virtual account for those who are not registered in the system);
-Feedback from Participants (the opinion about MMM from those people who have received help in the MMM Community);
- Video (video about MMM ideology, charity events, seminars and virtual account);
- FAQ;
- Contacts (contact information of the MMM Bangladeshi leaders).
The content on the website is displayed as in English as well as in Bengali.
The MMM Mutual Aid Network began its activity in Bangladesh in 2013. The Bangladeshi structure was created by those people who had previously worked in the MMM India team. India was the first Asian country in which MMM movement started. Then from India, the idea of MMM spread to other Asian countries: Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia.
For more than a year of work MMM Bangladesh showed a rapid growth. Once there was a crisis stage as well, when the number of requests to receive help exceeded the number of those offering help, so at that moment, not everybody was able to receive the requested help straight away. But in the early 2014, these difficulties have been overcome and now MMM Bangladesh is developing steadily.
A distinctive feature of MMM Bangladesh is the large number of charity events, active work with all regions of the country.