The Pause regime is announced in MMM-India on 28-th the June. The reason was the panic occurred last days among participants, caused by unfortunate set of circumstances – problems with the SMS-s information, trolls , etc. So this measure was aimed to stop it, because panic is destructive for any financial structure. As Sergey Mavrodi said in his video report, there will no longer be restarts, “simply we should give everyone time to calm down, get back in senses, after which you can go back to the normal operations. This method has been repeatedly tested in practice in other countries and had proven itself as efficient. There was no failure; everybody was getting its money with ease. So there’s nothing wrong with it, an ordinary working process”.
The Pause regime is on till the 1-st of October. During this period all Mavro are divided into “old” and “new” ones (purchased before and after the announcement of the pause). After the end of Pause, the old Mavro will be unfrozen, and there will be again a single type of it in the system. New Mavro can be disposed in the normal way and without any limitation. The growth of old Mavro is suspended, the date of the deposit’s defrost shifts accordingly. But one can sell or renew the old Mavro counting as nominal (real money without counting gains), and with the conversion factor (usually +10%). Orders upon sales and renewal of old Mavro are submitted not immediately, but within a month.
There is a new moment in this scheme in general similar to early used in Russia. Payments on the old Mavro will be only through Bitcoin. So, every participant should open yourself an account with Bitcoin during the transition month (to overcome “nightmarish negligence and laziness of the participants”). The important function of it is to protect accounts from arrests by police.