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Today a new version of the site MMMglobal in the Portuguese language has been launched. Eight countries in the world, including the largest country of South America – Brazil, speak Portuguese. Brazil is one of the largest countries on the planet. It is the 7th largest country in terms of economic development in; it is also the 6th most populous (202,7 million) country in the world.
There is no secret that the launch and development of MMM differ in dynamics and a level of success in different countries, since they are affected by many factors. One of them is demography. A half of Brazilian population is young people aged till 30 years, and as experience shows, they are most receptive and open to bold alternatives of life.
We especially count on Brazil due to the peculiarities of its socio-economic condition, and Brazilians’ spirit and mentality. Brazil’s nickname “tropical Russia” is justified – it has a great stratification between the rich and the poor, but this country also strives for independence and freedom, and it is critical about geopolitical and financial dictatorship of the countries-counterfeiters. No wonder it is one of the cornerstones of the BRIC Alliance countries which are predicted to have a leading future in the 21st century.
A good start largely determines the further success of the system. At this moment the group of “practical idealists” of MMM in Brazil is small, but we count on the support of all those who are interested in this specific country with a great potential for development. We welcome people who can speak Portuguese and English quite well and can work as consultants in the system. If you are willing to join the MMM team working in Brazil, you can contact mmmglobalorg@gmail.com.
You can also monitor the development of MMM in Brazil and promote it on the Facebook page.

Category: System News | Views: 1170 | Added by: FREEMMM | Date: 02.08.2014 | Comments (0)

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