15:35 The execution of orders is extended by 8 hours | |
The execution of orders is extended by 8 hours Today, 23rd of September , the execution of all active orders were automatically extended by 8 hours. This is due to the fact that yesterday there were some technical work carried out on the modernization of the personal office (PO), hence, for few hours the participants could not access their accounts. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. It is our standard practice: to avoid the situation where a participant has failed to complete the assignment on time due to technical works, the execution of orders is extended. Therefore, the participants of our community shouldn’t worry if the access to the PO is temporarily restricted. At the same time, the standard time for the execution of assignments remains the same: 72 hours for transactions in local currencies through banks and 36 hours for transfers through electronic wallets (Perfect Money and Bitcoin). | |
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